Monday, March 7, 2011

Butterscotch-Pecan Pancakes

When I was a kid, I always enjoyed when my mother would spoil me with chocolate-chip pancakes because they were still pancakes, but had that little bit of internal sweetness which eliminated the need for syrup. This simple modification of the breakfast classic holds similar appeal for me.

I visited my brother recently and he introduced me to this concoction which I have now completely fallen in love with. It apparently all originated with a friend of his who is a good cook and enjoys coming up with new dishes. There is very little to actually say about this breakfast marvel, but I wanted to share it anyway just because I like it so much.

The idea is simple and the title has already told you almost everything there is to tell. Putting things into pancakes is not even close to a new idea, but I had never heard of this particular set of additives before. The pancake batter is made however you normally make it and before dropping dollops of it onto a hot skillet, butterscotch chips (like the kind you put in cookies - same as chocolate chips only they’re butterscotch flavored) and some crushed pecans. The butterscotch chips add the sweetness that I loved in the chocolate-chip pancakes of my youth and the pecans add a satisfying crunch as well as a feeling of sophistication that surpasses even the classy, fruit-infused flap-jacks served at country clubs.
Overall, if you enjoy bread-derived breakfast foods, have a somewhat youthful sweet-tooth, and appreciate a rather contrived feeling of refinement, then grab a cup of coffee or your favorite fruit juice (or maybe chocolate milk?) and enjoy.

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